
Amazon AWS


Start Building on AWS Today

AWS has the capabilities to assist you in developing complex applications with enhanced flexibility, scalability, and dependability, whether you need compute power, database storage, content distribution, or other capability.

Benefits of Using Amazon AWS solutions from Tata Tele Business Services

  • Obtain cost-effectiveness for workloads with single-digit millisecond latency and petabyte-scale analytics.
  • less expense greater resilience Investigate AWS solutions in the insurance, financial markets, payments, and banking sectors.
  • Create games across all genres and platforms that are computationally absurd.
  • Engage citizens, upgrade applications, and transform data into insights while maintaining the security and dependability that governments require.

Benefits of Using Amazon AWS solutions By Technology Category

  • Securely store, organise, and analyse all your data in one, centralised repository.
  • Build with the most comprehensive machine learning framework support available, together with strong services and platforms.
  • Build and execute apps and services without considering servers with "server less computing."
  • Reliable, affordable choices for petabyte-scale data backup, disaster recovery, and archiving.