
Call Register Services

A Business Solution That Is Prepared for the Future

With an automatic, dependable, and scalable solution that provides you with caller information instantaneously, you can stay one step ahead of your competitors. Get up-to-date information and performance insights through polls, surveys, and comments. Reach clients and potential clients more quickly without spending money on supporting infrastructure. Keep your finger on the pulse of your business.

Benefits of Using Call Register Service from Tata Tele Access caller information on a real-time basis for brand surveys, verifications, lead generation, tele-voting, polls, or feedback.

  • Easy of Deployment
  • SMS Gateway and Customer Database Integration
  • Real-Time Caller Information Capture
  • Instant Report Generation
  • Easy-To-Use Web-based Platform
  • Convenient Pay-Per-Use Option
  • Telco-Grade Scalability
  • Services